I have a very cool cigar box that I didn’t want to ruin on my first build so I’ll be making it into a guitar one day. The first step is to measure three things: action at the 12th fret, neck relief, and string height at the 1st fret. Here is where I had to go off plan. Too close and the magnets can pull on the strings and cause weird tuning and noise issues. However, rather than just increase the action by raising the bridge (or shimming the saddle on an acoustic) it’s probably more important to consider the nut. The radius gauge has a bunch of common radii used on basses and guitars. I’d also like to build one with proper electric guitar pickups, maybe a nice, growling, dirty humbucker. Personally, I’d shim/raise the nut first and then look at the action. String Action and Nut Height The most obvious thing that most slide guitars will need is an increase in action. Now have a listen. In last Sunday’s Austin American-Statesman, there was an article (can’t find it on the site so no link) about 2 guys who make and sell cigar box guitars under the name Bobby Taylor Guitars. The tuners and the volume pot came from Strait Music. The Peavey PowerSlide (£275) is a good … As a guitarist with about twenty too many guitars ( according to my not me) I’m just now getting interested in cigar box versions. It was awesome!….but I didn’t use that special box. Experiment a little to find the right balance. Ha! I initially tuned to E-A-D like on a standard guitar and while that was fun, I think I’ll get more mileage from an open tuning, which is what a lot of the cigar box guitar sites recommend. For electric guitars, in our opinion, a good default string height at the 12th fret is typically about 6/64th of an inch (2.38mm) on the bass side and 4/64th of an inch (1.59mm) on the treble side. My son plays incredibible guitar (he’ll be 16 in a few weeks) I’m told he has some chops, whatever that means. I enjoyed reading about your first build as I just completed my first build. If the string height at the nut and the saddle is correct, you shouldn’t need more relief because you’re not actually fretting. That should get you pretty close to where you need to be. Derek Trucks has said that he plays on a guitar that’s not setup particularly differently than normal and I’ve watched Joe Bonamassa play annoyingly perfect bottleneck on a Blue Collar guitar that I’d set up to be pretty slinky. I haven’t soldered anything since 7th grade electronics class so this took some practice. However, many players have no problems at all dealing with the radius. Thanks for the opportunity to talk. It seems to hole the string just fine. That will however be a project for cooler weather. Blessing. There I glued a number 6x 1 1/2 machine screw. You can read more in my. I can’t play it but those who can, have and were amazed. If the strings are too close to the frets, you’ll probably get clunking and general nastiness when you play. Electric guitar strings, however, work quite well. Of course, you are pressing the bottleneck onto them and it’ll take a bit of practice to get your pressure right. Especially things that work. The 1st 30 seconds are acoustic and the rest is through the amp. At the bridge end you can raise or lower the string height of each string using the height screws on the saddle. I initially tuned to E-A-D like on a standard guitar and while that was fun, I think I’ll get more mileage from an open tuning, which is what a lot of the cigar box guitar sites recommend. High action and nuts make slide easier but fretting harder. Until you’re a frickin’ genius of the slide guitar, your bottleneck pressure and placement are much more likely to make things sound out than your intonation will. The height of the saddles should form an arc to match the curvature of the fretboard, or fretboard radius. Assuming your nut is well cut, your strings are probably pretty close to the first few frets. Unless you’re sitting in to play a little bottleneck with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, you probably don’t need to lose too much sleep over the intonation. I agree about the fretless decision. Even if no one is listening, it was good. Once the stain was dry, I put it together. Building a 3-String Fretless Cigar Box Guitar, http://coyotemercury.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/cigar_box_guitar_noodling.mp3, Tweets that mention Building a 3-String Fretless Ax | Coyote Mercury -- Topsy.com, The Lost Book Club: The Wizard of Oz, Watership Down, and Carrie Revisited. So cool and thanks for taking the time and sharing all you know and how you did it. Thanks, Peter. If you want to fret and slide, you might need to make a few compromises. It has been a very peaceful and enjoyable experience. Great. How high or low the strings are above the fretboard is called action. We experimented with a bandsaw, jigsaw, coping saw and various weapons of sanding. I’m discussing some setup changes but I’m not going into detail on how to carry out those changes. However, in order to comply with privacy regulations, I also need you to provide consent to store and process the information you've entered. Coming out of my amp, it sounds old fashioned: tinny and mid-rangey like an A.M. radio.


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