She is dark-skinned. In this case, we want to say that he / she has... (il / elle a...) rather than he / she is... (il / elle est...). Taking the descriptions one step further, you might want to talk about the color of a person's eyes (les yeux) or hair (les cheveux) or point out that they have freckles or dimples. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Describing people in French is easy. Il a les yeux bleus. He has blue eyes. Setting up an online dating profile, talking to friends about someone you met, bragging about a new baby, and telling the police about a suspect have one thing in common: physical descriptions. Il a le teint clair. 5 – Nuanced Eye Colors in French Elle a les yeux noisette : un mélange de brun et de vert – she has hazel eyes, a mix of brown and green. To describe them well physically, you need to take note of physical characteristics. A worksheet to practise describing colour of hair and eyes in French. Describing people, especially in another language, requires some skills. Find out how to pronounce different words about describing people in French with this free lesson! When describing a person in French, you must keep the gender issue in mind. You can also find a PowerPoint to accompany this worksheet here. You would not say "she is hazel eyes," now would you? Start studying Describing hair and eyes in French. ... She has green eyes. Asking for a description To describe their personality accurately, you need to spend a little time with them and converse at least enough to gather their mood, their interests or something else about them as a person. First of all, to describe someone well, you need astute observation skills. Learn all the French vocabulary you need to describe the most common physical characteristics. Elle est mate de peau. Every noun in Fr… Click on the image below to download.


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