The software world was different then, and there were different ways we might have deployed the language back then. In a sense, it’s a new kind of language. @gwr As I understand it, Kaggle kernels can only be written in R or Python. Wolfram Language support for Visual Studio Code. + isn’t the U (Union (set theory)) symbol both in math and mathematica operator and if you put it as suggested(WUL) it will have even more sense , meaning and reference Products. ‘ Way to get the technology into the hands and minds of kids !! “Matic” is also used for something which is “cool”, “awesome”…. Because in a short name we need to capture an almost completely new concept. How to do $ n $-fold cross validation with Classify? Wolfram Meta might be better, but has the same problem. @gwr (cont.) We’ve been trying to find a name by modifying or supplementing the word “wolfram”, and expecting that the word “language” will just be added as a suffix. Amazon ML got me the highest score but they all failed miserably in comparison to the custom implementation of XgBoost in Python or R the Kaggle veterans use. Yet an MMA novice managed it first time out. Frabjous, or just, Alpha Language. One can go classical, but the Latin word for wolf is Lupus, which is also the name of a disease. All syntaxes from Wolfram Language. Addtionally, although I have not tried the new neural net capabilities, Jonas Sjoberg's neural net package was also pretty slick because, after development, you could simply provide symbols to the developed model and get an expression which could be easily exported into production environments. Call it : Logos I’m very proud of the language we’ve built over all these years. Our Mission and the Opportunity of Artifacts from the Future, In Less Than a Year, So Much New: Launching Version 12.1 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica, The Ease of Wolfram|Alpha, the Power of Mathematica: Introducing Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, Testifying at the Senate about A.I.‑Selected Content on the Internet, Faster than Light in Our Model of Physics: Some Preliminary Thoughts, The Empirical Metamathematics of Euclid and Beyond, A Burst of Physics Progress at the 2020 Wolfram Summer School, Exploring Rulial Space: The Case of Turing Machines, Enable JavaScript to interact with content and submit forms on Wolfram websites. Yes, it can do math really well. A further, relevant comparison of R and Mathematica over Deep Learning can be found here: and “vers” as in versatile and all those words are integrated in this one word representing (integration) and the word itself suggests My absolute initial thought was: “Matica” which not only have a clear connection to Mathematica but kind of contains the performa part of the word “mathematica”. On the other hand, a late stage of machine learning work can involve implementing algorithms on a massive scale, with large datasets, where careful control of data type, bit resolution, parallel threading and such may become more important. Elated today, not only for the rest of the world, who will soon have these computable resources in their hands, perhaps eventually more ubiquitously then Google; but also for S.W., who has been building up to this, for many years. But there is a crucial difference, both practical and philosophical. Imagine how hobbled the world is because C uses a very poor text rewrite system for a macro processor. What should it be called? And for example, my old test of computing 1989^1989 that used to take many seconds on the computers that existed when Mathematica was young now runs in an immeasurably short time on the Raspberry Pi. What if the P-Value is less than 0.05, but the test statistic is also less than the critical value? Others are named for companies, like Erlang (“Ericsson language”) and Go (“Google”). There are two main differences between the natural language and the WL. Some thought of using “M”, “Wolfram” or “Thema” (from: ma-thema-tica) among many others. But in our language, the concept from the very beginning has been to build as much as possible in, to have a coherent structure in which as much is automated as possible. That's why you won't see anything else. (Layering on the Greek and Latin there’s Hyperlingua too.). Updated documentations and completions. New functionality like "Cloud-deploy" allow anybody to run algorithm made in Mathematica from anywhere in the world, from any device, with the only need of having an internet connection and a compatible browser. What a motto, too! But it’s become clear that for Mathematica itself the name “Mathematica” is in some sense much too narrow—because it gives the idea that all that Mathematica does is math. Our language, though, works in a somewhat different way from ordinary human natural language—most importantly, because it’s completely executable: as soon as we express something in the language, that immediately gives us a specification for a unique sequence of computational actions that should be taken. But none of the alternate cases or variants of these words (like Lupum, Lupa or Lukon) are too promising either—though at least I get to use my knowledge of Latin and Greek from when I was a kid to determine that.


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