Those pesky starlings are notorious for causing significant damage to buildings, vehicles, property and machinery with their excessive droppings. Their droppings are very dangerous and should not be moved or handled without the proper personal protective equipment. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. If weather conditions are favorable for migration, that is south winds overnight with fair weather and clear nighttime skies, many migrants will over-fly much of the region and arrive safely on their breeding grounds. Find art you love and shop high-quality art prints, photographs, framed artworks and posters at Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. Their wings are triangular, short, and pointed. Use BWD's Birding and Nature Festival Finder to help you select from events all over the USA and beyond. They have strong jaws and long, pointed beaks that are well suited to plucking insects out of the ground. Whimbrels make a fleeting appearance statewide in a narrow window centered on May 25, but most other shorebird species have mostly departed by the end of the month. 15. Shorebird numbers build up, at least where there is habitat, through the end of the month. Robins, sparrows, warblers and hummingbirds are among those that leave for the comforts of a warmer climate. When they gather in particularly large numbers, starling flocks riddle golf courses, lawns, and parks with holes while they forage, damaging costly landscaping. If flocks of the pest bird are causing problems, Critter Control technicians should be called to eradicate infestations. Property owners can also employ several preventative measures to make environments less favorable to starlings. This is known as a “fallout” of migrants, and is something that Michigan bird watchers look forward to each spring, keeping a vigilant eye on the weather reports through the month of May. If starlings are roosting near your home or business, it is prudent to remove them and have their feces professionally cleaned as soon as possible. I have no heard of such a thing for a very long time. Starlings require three features of all their habitats: open, grassy areas for feeding, water sources, and several trees or buildings with suitable nesting cavities. Weather affects the number of migrants, especially nocturnal migrants, which will be detected in any given spring. Industry tools and extensive training keep our specialists safe throughout the removal process. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. Starlings are very unhealthy birds who carry a tremendous amount of diseases. In contrast, while some birds are tentatively arriving in the southern portions of the state, including an incursion of migrant waterfowl following the ice breakup on the Great Lakes, the north is still firmly in the grip of winter, with some northward movement of northern finches and some raptors. They travel in large flocks and forage in open fields for their favored food source: insects. Learn interesting facts about a wide variety of wildlife by signing up for our monthly ezine, the Critter Chatter. Bird watchers often consider this situation to be a poor spring migration, but it is certainly the best situation for the birds. The birds avoid dense forests, scrublands, and deserts. Flock of Starlings Avoiding a Peregrine Falcon at Dusk Photographic Print by Andrew Parkinson. Are starlings known to enter homes or yards? Blue Jay (41%) 6. Other birds migrate to Michigan for the winter from northern environments. The arrival of male red-winged blackbirds by the first week in March, when they begin defending territories, filling the still brown marshes with their first song in months, could perhaps be considered a harbinger of spring. The first few shorebirds arrive at the end of the month, as well as the first scouts of the warblers, thrushes, and ruby-throated hummingbirds. European Starling (20%) The most common backyard birds in Michigan in summer (June to July) are these: 1. During flight, starlings resemble four-pointed stars, hence their name. Although woodland areas are still not leafed out, the forest floor blooms in profusion with spring ephemeral wildflowers including bloodroot, spring beauty, hepaticas, Dutchman’s breeches, common toothwort, spring cress, red trillium, and large white trillium. May is the peak of migration throughout the state, with greatest numbers of some species occurring in the southern part of the Lower Peninsula as much as one or two weeks earlier than in the northern Lower Peninsula and the Upper Peninsula. But each year robins overwinter, sometimes quite far north, and in the south sometimes in flocks of hundreds, or thousands. Starlings are invasive, and therefor bad. This is a good time of year to visit wetland areas and shores of the Great Lakes for migrating waterfowl, loons, and grebes. Favored environments include cities, ranches, farms, open woodlands, fields, and lawns. But, with the possibility for winterlike weather the entire month even in the southern portions, can this really be called spring? Spring Birds of Michigan (March, April, May) March is perhaps the most variable month weather-wise, sometimes being an extension of winter, sometimes heralding the beginning of spring, and usually exhibiting characteristics of both seasons. Since they enjoy eating fruits like grapes, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, and apples, they are often considered agricultural nuisances. Black-capped Chickadee (35%) 9. Starlings become aggressive when they feel threatened, and approaching them is unnecessarily dangerous. Kirtland’s warblers arrive on average around May 10 and begin singing actively by about May 15. Starlings in the attic or on the roof? This is a good time for loon migration on the Great Lakes, and in the Upper Peninsula the duck migration is in full swing. Starling feathers are dark, usually black, and change depending on the season, displaying white spots in the winter and glossy sheens in the summer. Do starlings harm people or property? Many products designed to keep various species of birds from nesting in residential areas are available for purchase.


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