loro /Loro sarebbero stati/e, (tu) sta, stai, sa'  che lui /lei /Lei stia  che voi stiate  che loro /Loro fossero stati/e, io starei  lui /lei /Lei starebbe In some sentences, it is grammatically correct to use either stare or essere, but the meaning will be different.  che voi siate stati/e Essere is always used as an auxiliary with reflexive verbs and intransitive verbs. The same happens when you talk about staying home alone, you use stare to highlight that it’s a transitory condition. It is intransitive. ; The tu imperatives for -ere and -ire verbs and the voi and noi imperatives for all three classes of verbs are identical to the non-imperative forms of the present tense. Stai tranquillo – Don’t worry. https://learnitaliango.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/esserestare.jpg, https://learnitaliango.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/learn-italian-go-logo.png.  loro /Loro stanno, io sono stato/a Italian Demonstrative Adjectives – Questo and Quello.  che voi steste In Italian, you use a different form of the imperative depending on whether. You can’t use stare here, because the verb stare actually means “to stay”. It conjugates with the verb essere. Here is a simple table to show you how to form the direct imperative: As you can see from the table, the direct imperative only has two persons: tu and voi. In these cases, stare is required because the action is temporary. Stare means “to stay”.  loro /Loro stettero, io fui stato/a  che noi siamo stati/e Stare is especially used with adjectives describing someone’s mood or mental conditions. If you want to give orders, then Italian imperative is the mood you are looking for.. Before I explain to you the rule of Italian imperative, read the recipe I wrote up some time ago. 1 Using the imperative. So let’s learn how to differentiate them, starting with essere. Stare is the preferred choice in some regions.  (lui /lei /Lei) stia  che loro /Loro stiano, che io sia stato/a  noi stavamo Essere means “to be” or “to exist”.  che noi stiamo  voi starete So far you can tell that there are some situations where you only use essere, and others where you must use only stare. For this reason, the indirect imperative is also colled formal imperative. For instance, the Roman dialect uses stare a lot.  lui /lei /Lei stava  noi fummo stati/e Italian imperative Using Italian imperative. essere and stare - Easy Learning Grammar Italian In Italian there are two irregular verbs, e ssere and stare , that both mean to be .  (voi) state But occasionally you can find that the verb stare is used in Italian when English uses to be, too.  lui /lei /Lei sta Stare is always chosen instead of essere when talking about the location of objects, places or people. It’s also important to remember that stare vs essere are not interchangeable when constructing the present continuous, which is only formed by stare + the gerundive of the acting verb. Essere and stare are two important Italian verbs which have many similarities and are sometimes (but not always) interchangeable.. What creates a lot of confusion among students of Italian language is the fact that, in some cases, both can be translated with the verb to be.. The tu imperative form for -are verbs ends in -a.; The negative tu imperative for all classes of verbs is formed by the infinitve. Hence, it’s crucial to get familiar with the stare conjugation and its different meanings.  che tu fossi stato/a  noi eravamo stati/e You must use essere to tell where you’re from, to tell what’s your job and to describe people, places or things. It’s an intransitive verb, so it does not take a direct object. There is also a formal plural form of the imperative.  che loro /Loro siano stati/e, che io stessi The verb stare has a more transitory meaning when indicating a condition.  che noi stessimo Regional uses of essere and stare are widely accepted and people will still be able to understand, however, in more “formal” context you cannot mix them up. How to Form the Italian Imperative When you learn how the imperative is formed for the informal ( tu ) and the formal ( lei ) it’s going to feel very backward. Let’s imagine you are in a crowded room, looking for your friend, but you can’t find him.  tu eri stato/a  loro /Loro saranno stati/e, che io stia  voi foste stati/e  voi eravate stati/e  che noi fossimo stati/e It conjugates with the verb essere. Born and raised in Italy, she is a passionate Italian teacher and language enthusiast. Imperative Mood and Indefinite Moods of Stare.  (loro /Loro) stiano, Viale Regina Margherita, 6 (ang. Stare is widely used especially in southern regions. Stare is used together with some adjectives such as “ solo ”, “ calmo ”, “ zitto ”, “ tranquillo ”, to invite someone to act in a certain way or to do something: Sta’ zitto – Be quiet.  voi sarete stati/e sta. In Italian, that special form is called the imperative (l'imperativo), and it’s used to give orders and offer advice or suggestions. speaking to one person or more than one person. For instance: You can form the present continuous by using stare + the gerundive of the acting verb: In Italy the sentence “lascia stare” is used a lot, meaning “don’t do it”, “leave it”, or “it’s not necessary”. When talking about your health or inquiring about someone else, you must ask “come stai” and not “come sei”. You call him and tell him: Here you are just describing where you are and what you are doing, for a purpose (to let your friend find you).  tu stavi You must use stare to talk about one’s health (sto male – I’m ill) or to tell where someone is located in a certain moment.  che lui /lei /Lei stesse  che tu stessi  noi staremmo You can also use a form of the imperative to make suggestions.  noi staremo Lucia Aiello is one of the co-founders of LearnItalianGo. Whether it’s abstract or not, you can express the presence of something or someone with the forms “c’è” (there is) or “ci sono” (there are): For instance, during a lesson or an explanation: Essere is used as an auxiliary, followed by the past particle of the acting verb, when forming all compound tenses, for example in the passato prossimo, futuro anteriore . Stare is always used with bene (good, well), male (not good, not well), meglio (better), or peggio (worse), when you are describing somebody’s health. It is not difficult to choose between essere vs stare once you understand the different situations where they are used. The subtle difference is that essere indicates a state, while stare can indicate voluntariness in the action described.  che tu stia


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