Sayuri | Ryōbi(両備) appare in Shinovi Versus per la prima volta, ha una sorella gemella Ryona. "Unnamed Parents""Nozomi (younger sister; deceased) Yagyū growled, frustrated at his insistence of talking rather than acting and grabbed his hand and forced him to feel her large breasts that always looked like they were only barely kept back from her normal outfit. Hobby: Percussioni giapponesi/cucinare Noodles Was Yagyū really going to allow him to cum inside her? Yagyū feels badly for this, but she cheers up really quick - happy that Yagyū just faced off against her with all of her strength instead of holding back. Misure: 99-55-88 Misure: 98-56-88 Are you still mad about the time Hibari-chan and I—really, me—swapped your eyepatch with a squid? Friends/Allies Studente del 1 anno dell’accademia Hebijo fa parte delle Clandestine Girls, trasferita dal gruppo Gessen e sorella maggiore di Ryobi, ama essere rimproverata ed è un po masochista..Ama essere al centro dell’attenzione e mostrare il suo seno. E’ considerata un genio, ed è il più grande giovane talento dell’accademia Hanzo, utilizza un particolare ombrello in battaglia. Minori (美野里) appare Shinovi Versus per la prima volta nella Saga. By: xXThis-Lucky-SonuvaXx. This would be the furthest he had ever gone with anyone of the female species. Yozakura (夜桜) appare per la prima volta in Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'giochigiapponesi_com-leader-1','ezslot_2',135,'0','0'])); Studente del primo anno dell’accademia Gessen, personaggio molto popolare e alla moda, combatte con un’enorme falce a doppia lama, più grande del suo corpo. Hell, when he was first introduced into the shinobi elite team, she was quite adamant that he'd stay away from Hibari and would get a bit… sour (understatement) when the two of them were within close proximity with each other. Waist Yagyū (柳生) is a playable character from the Senran Kaguravideo game series. Studente del terzo anno dell’accademia Gessen, nasconde il suo volto con una maschera, diventa triste e introversa quando perde la maschera in battaglia tanto da non riuscire a parlare. Yagyū hesitates, then realizes that she had gotten her wish already. La figli di mezzo delle sorelle Mikagura, come fa intuire il nome “Hanabi”(fuochi di artificio) usa effetti pirotecnici nel suo stile di combattimento. I'm safe today. The delusional Yagyū fights against the other three girls, prevailing despite her fever. Mestra dell’accademia Hebijo, è stata studente di Hanzo. Hobby: Bagnarsi Non a caso, negli ultimi tempi videogiochi appartenenti a questo genere hanno... partecipa al programma Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, una piattaforma di affiliazione ideata per permettere ai Proprietari di un sito Web di guadagnare una commissione inserendo link nei contenuti su prodotti del catalogo Amazon. Soft at first, their lips met, then pulled away, then re-connected. Yagyū reluctantly agrees to get well. And with that, Yagyū slowly moved forward until her mouth was almost touching the head. Kula Diamond | Hobby: Cotruire Bambole Compleanno: January 19th Misure: 95-57-90 In the video game series Senran Kagura one of the characters is a girl named Yagyū who wears an eyepatch over her right eye. "Don't worry about it, Yagyū-chan," he answered coyly. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'giochigiapponesi_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',129,'0','0']));Compleanno: 20 Luglio Shinobi student Offering no apology or even comment, she cries out for Hibari. Yagyu's theme after transforming. Ryōbi, Gessen Girls School Meaning A part of a now-formerly all-girls elite team of voluptuous shinobi! For a moment Kuro thought about the potential risks—namely pregnancy—and he was going to let out a warning. Un personaggio che non mostra emozioni e parla poco, dalle movenze di un serpente e tagliente come una lama. "Did it not feel good?" Mirai (Senran Kagura) | Hobby: Shopping Yagyū comes across Asuka as her first opponent. Misure: 95-58-90 That touch had been heavenly and he wanted more. Yagyū says that she can feel Hanabi has an energetic vibe, and that means there's no doubt she's Hibari. Katsuragi (葛城) fa la sua prima apparizione in Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls. Compleanno: 26 Ottobre Misure: 62-48-59 Altezza: 163 Miyabi(雅緋) debutta come personaggio giocabile in in Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus. She is voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Bryn Apprill in the English version of the anime. It's not everyday where a girl actually gives the green light to fondle them, so…" he kept groping and eventually popped her breasts out of her bra, revealing the most beautiful areolas and nipples Kuro had ever seen. Età: 16 Bladed Oilpaper Umbrella Katsuragi | In fact, I personally ship Asuka and Homura. Hobby: Viaggi She is extremely protective of Hibari, often rushing to her aid without delay and without question. Ikaruga | Altezza: 155 Cibo favorito: Melanzane e cocomeri Origin Compleanno: 18 Febbraio Misure: 82-57-95 Mirai(未来) debutta con Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls e come il resto del gruppo diventa character giocabile in Senran Kagura Burst. "No, it felt incredible. Characters hailing from the Senran Kagura Universe,ū_(Senran_Kagura)?oldid=728768. Mirai notes that Yagyū is really devoted to Hibari and it makes her a little jealous. Rinse and repeat as Yagyū let out a gasp, then a moan each time. In Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round, Ayane dresses up like Yagyū as a DLC costume. Daidōji, Crimson Squad Gruppo Sanguigno: B Jasmine (Senran Kagura) | Guardiano:  Ratsnake Serpente/Topo giapponese. "Go ahead. Yagyū is a stoic and quiet girl, usually modest of her own ability, yet still very aware and in tune with it. However, she sees Hibari as a little sister figure, the two are always capable of making the other smile. She is voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Bryn Apprill in the English version of the anime.


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