but two days before they got together, we met up to do stuff, so all of these details lead me to believe this is definitely a rebound. You’re doing the right thing. Thank you for your love, support, and for being a part of this tribe. Krissypooh! Thank you so much for not only taking the time to comment, but sharing your story on a level that will help so many people who are too shy to comment and feel just heartbroken and alone in similar situations. I just came across your blog and you are amazing!! I felt a bit glad knowing that probably the flame is not so serious, but at the same time I also felt a bit sorry for that girls. Girls, we deserve better, this is really sick. But in reading this, the small tiny candle that I carried that held the best of our love was firmly put in place. My valued her and did not think or treat her differently even post break up. When I met him, he told me that she cheated on him while he was deployed. This one and is he is better with her, especially. So happy to help and honored to play a part in your healing and realizations. His idea of us spending time together was me watching him play video games. Now I know that if it wasn’t for that ex I wrote about in my first comment I would have not changed my way of thinking and the way of seeing relationships and would not be ready for my fiancee when we got a second chance. This gave me lots of hope and was exactly what I needed. Xoxo, Thank you so much Natasha. He told me that he will always love and care for me, but he is not involve with me anymore. Men are not the problem and I’m not into male-bashing. Doing the best i can not to torment myself as i delete/deactivated/blocked social media so i dont see anything furyher that will devastate me. They are just living non reality shit, fantasy, projection. He’s almost 30 and I’m 35 and we both have great careers, so this makes no damn sense to me. To get me to feel pain. C L A S S Y. You’re not alone Karen XO, Your blog is amazing. And to make their rebound relationship work, they can just hope, or die trying. I’m scared and hurt. I didn’t understand why she’d hide the guy’s identity from me. I made the mistakes. We met a couple of days ago – and I made a point to showcase I’ve reflected on the things I have done that led to the breakup. You don’t get the chance to better yourself by learning from your mistakes and evolving. All my love to you soul sister XOXO. It makes sense. Keep staying on your white horse, don’t react and don’t worry about what you did/didn’t do in the past. Is she a rebound? Getting over that separateness is certainly a lot simpler said than done. I ask because I’m currntly going through this myself. I am not exactly the ex, but a girl he was chatting up right after breaking off a multi year relationship. It is almost as similar to what the term rebound is used in basketball. However moving on to a various dating partner might not be the finest thing. (3 years of neglecting my home to work on his began to wear on me) I can understand everything you said you were going through and I hope you have been able to move on and get free of the chains. What’s this ‘difference’ pattern all about? xo, Yes it is! You are loved, believed in, supported, and appreciated. We’ve been engaged since Feb of this year and then decided that we should date longer. He is taking her on a week long cabin vacation after 5 weeks and in the 2 1/2 years we dated we went on two long weekends that I planned. Later his friend told me that the girl wanted to support him, but he just couldn’t stop picking on every little thing about her. My ex and I broke up 4 months ago. I know I am far better off without him and I pity the woman he’s with cause right now they are in the honey moon phase but soon enough the curtains will be drawn and the play shall proceed once more. I have definitely been there. Met up with my ex tonight, 5 weeks since the breakup. We did long distance for nearly a year before I upped and moved to him. All of the insecurities that their behavior activated now seem valid. I’m not looking for a relationship because I want to work on myself, hang with friends etc. I should read this at my early days of “almost relationship break up”. He says now he just wants to get married and have a family – he knew that’s what I wanted. But like really change, and to do things I was afraid to do before. Before we move on in this article consider this affirmation I’ve put together from lesson of. XOXO, Omg yes. Happy it helped! He is actually someone I had met four years before but it seemed we didn’t fit. I believe i was understsnding and more patient due to this because of the lack of experience. He treated me like a crap, and he is probably treating her the same way. He was always a talker, we spoke on phone for hours when we weren’t together, he didn’t really text me (hates texting due to dyslexia) if I did text him, I would see the last time he was online was from replying to my text. I have since deleted his number after seeing he was always online messaging her. Sending you love from Los Angeles. This was 7 months ago. If your ex was a selfish, emotionally unavailable partner with you and they’re now dating someone after you’ve broken up…. My ex girlfriend dumped me just two weeks into national lock down on April 12th. Well he cut me off for a week and I was the only one trying to fix it and showing that I cared. EXACTLY Jeanann. I ignore this asshole, I blocked him on instagram, limited his access to my Facebook profile and I see how much he would like to know how I am doing (we wok together) but has no source of information. Don’t get preoccupied with being “right,” “heard,” “chosen,” or “winning.” If they treated you with an absence of respect, believe me when I say that there is absolutely nothing to “win.”. But reading it now, I could just smile and nod my head few times. Now he is it completely 180 turn around he quit smoking become a vegetarian and Festival hippie just like her according to his Facebook . 6 months in, he broke up with me with all the typical excuses and i asked “who is she!” And he replied I always make it about other women but hes made it aboutnorherbwomen at this point, and felt disrespected for not believing him. Not to mention that him and I were engaged too, with our whole wedding planned for July 10th, he married her on August 1st. Sometimes I think you’re a mind reader and then I started to realize that more so those without empathy are predictable. We are all here and behind you 100%. Ultimately, no one can make anyone change out of being who they are at the core. She said “I”m not moving out there for a relationship” at least 3 times. Or you're itching to make up for lost time. Especially with someone that is so extremely different than me. You articulated the absolute truth perfectly! Your beautiful comment made me tear up <3 I am so happy and honored to help.


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