Citation: Wang S, Sun S, Li Z, Zhang R, Xu J (2017) Accurate De Novo Prediction of Protein Contact Map by Ultra-Deep Learning Model. The objective of this study was to assess the potential of a computer-based epitope mapping tool (EMT) using antigenic amino acid motifs as a fast alternative in a number of applications not requiring detailed information, e.g. We expect that our contact prediction methods can help reveal much more biological insights for those protein families without solved structures and close structural homologs. You’ve supercharged your research process with ACS and Mendeley! The next step is to design a way to select only the bacteria mutants that contains the optimized version of the nanomachine that can be selected and undergoes other rounds of mutation to further improve the protein. When the top 1 models are evaluated, the average TMscore obtained by CCMpred, MetaPSICOV, and our method is 0.333, 0.377, and 0.518, respectively on the CASP dataset. This target was released by CAMEO on November 12, 2016 and not included in the abovementioned 41 CAMEO hard targets. Fig 19 shows that both CCMpred and MetaPSICOV generated many false positive contact predictions and failed to predict long-range contacts. For a training protein, we run PSI-BLAST (with E-value 0.001 and 3 iterations) to search the NR (non-redundant) protein sequence database dated in October 2012 to find its sequence homologs, and then build its MSA and sequence profile and predict other features (i.e., secondary structure and solvent accessibility). Through the analysis of our model complex, we identify a number of other residues putatively involved in the interaction. MASKER: Improved solvent excluded molecular surface area estimations using Boolean masks. The Gene Ontology system grouped 1621 unique gene products into 17 different functional categories. We may calculate Yi by first flattening Xi to a vector of length s and then multiplying C and the flattened Xi. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors. Red (green) dots indicate correct (incorrect) prediction. An ideal mutagenesis method allows us to substitute each residue equally with 19 other amino acids at each amino acid positions. Such service-oriented approaches to science are already being applied successfully, in some cases In other words, only oligopeptides that bind a very small portion of the immunoglobulin G surface are affinity-purified by this method, implying that the antigen binding site possesses molecular properties that renders it much stickier than the remainder of the molecule. An Advisory Board consisting of appointees from the wwPDB, the International Union of Crystallography and the International Council on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems will provide guidance through annual meetings with the wwPDB consortium., As shown in Table 8, the 3D models built by our server from predicted contacts have much better lDDT score than those built from CCMpred and MetaPSICOV. Our test shows that a deep model with 9 and 30 layers have top L/10 accuracy ~0.1 and ~0.03 worse than a 60-layer model, respectively. Furthermore, the EST library provides a valuable source of PCR-based polymorphic molecular markers that are instrumental for genotyping and molecular mapping approaches. Current methods and applications in computational protein design for food industry. The fraction of variants with stop codons: The fraction of variants with Gly or Pro: s in blue and theoretical nonbiased method in black color. When CCMpred- and MetaPSICOV-predicted contacts are used to build 3D models, we also use the secondary structure predicted by RaptorX-Property to warrant a fair comparison. This provides a case study for the use of bioinformatics and information management techniques to track and analyze data produced in a translational research study aimed at epitope identification. local struture properties, contact and distance matrix, inter-residue orientation and tertiary structure. It works particularly well on proteins without many sequence homologs. Our method outperformed the 2nd best server iFold_1 by about 7.6% in terms of the total F1 score and the 3rd best server (i.e., an improved MetaPSICOV) by about 10.0%. The Kwok laboratory is supported by Hong Kong RGC Project No. Existing contact prediction methods roughly belong to two categories: evolutionary coupling analysis (ECA) and supervised machine learning. Grid technologies can accelerate the development and adoption of service-oriented science by enabling a separation of concerns Please see for the animated superimposition of our model with its native structure. For the CASP test proteins, we use the official domain definitions, but we do not parse a CAMEO or membrane protein into domains. Our convolutional operation is protein-length independent, so two different minibatches are allowed to have different protein lengths. The construction of new and increasingly diverse libraries, as well as the implementation of more powerful selection schemes, has led to the identification of linear peptides that mimic complex epitopes. It shall not contain any gaps. Fig 9 shows the predicted contact maps and their overlap with the native. Typically, we enforce nl ≤ nl+1 since one position at a higher level is supposed to carry more information. That is, we want to find a set of parameters with a small L2 norm to minimize the loss function, so the final objective function to be minimized is the sum of loss function and the L2 norm of the model parameters (multiplied by a regularization factor).


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