Here's a list of delicious and mouth-watering recipes for you to try with the Philips Electric Pressure Cooker! file, The default pressure keeping time is displayed on the, If you want to set a different pressure keeping time, press the. Penanak bertekanan listrik mulai melepaskan tekanan. Blue lagoon. 11. Pumpkin & Broccoli Porridge (Wholesome Baby Food) Moin … Take the appliance to a Philips dealer or a, Saat memasak sup atau cairan kental, jangan mengeluarkan, tekanan dengan memutar katup regulator tekanan ke posisi, lubang uap karena cairan bisa menyembur dari katup kontrol, tekanan. Tekan floater. Rendam di dalam air hangat dan bersihkan dengan spons. Make, sure the sealing ring is well assembled around, The floater blocks the locking pin. Pressure control valve and floating valve: Disassemble the pressure control valve, soak it in warm, Remove food residues in the pressure control valve and, Do not throw away the appliance with normal household, waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official, collection point for recycling. Updated about 6 years ago. before using it for the first time (see chapter 'Cleaning'). Philips Pressure Cooker. Lepaskan semua aksesori dari panci bagian dalam. pressure cooker automatically switches to keep warm mode. Sorry, your subscription to our newsletter failed. Permukaan tutup luar dan bagian luar badan utama: Seka dengan kain yang dibasahi air sabun. Gelang penyegel tidak terpasang dengan benar. 3. Bila penanak bertekanan listrik mencapai tekanan. Pasang sekrup bawah kembali ke regulator. Waktu menjaga tekanan default akan ditampilkan pada, Jika Anda ingin menyetel waktu menjaga tekanan yang, There is food residue in the sealing ring. daftarkan produk Anda di Floater jatuh saat tekanan sudah cukup keluar. Seka menggunakan kain yang sudah diperas dan lembap. 4. Jika di negara Anda tidak. exceed the quantities indicated on the inside of the inner pot. Already tagged. Floater memblokir pin pengunci. The VAT amount will be deducted from the price shown above. Clean the rubber ring of. The pressure keeping timer will start counting when the. After the cooking is finished and the pressure is released, unplug the electric pressure cooker to turn off the keep warm, You can adjust the pressure keeping time for different types, of food according to your preference. View and Download Philips HD2139 user manual online. Push the floater, Make sure that there is no foreign residue, on the heating element and the outside of, the inner pot before switching the electric, The heating element is damaged, or the inner, Philips dealer or a service center authorized, Putar katup kontrol tekanan ke posisi tersegel (, Pastikan gelang penyegel terpasang dengan benar di sekeliling, Pastikan katup regulator tekanan dan katup mengambang, Pastikan bagian luar panci bagian dalam sudah kering dan, bersih, dan tidak ada benda apa pun pada elemen pemanas, Pastikan panci bagian dalam telah bersentuhan dengan elemen, Jangan isi panci bagian dalam dengan makanan atau cairan. Learn why these electric pressure cooker suit your needs. Jangan membuang alat bersama limbah rumah tangga biasa, jika alat sudah tidak bisa dipakai lagi, tetapi serahkan ke, tempat pengumpulan barang bekas yang resmi untuk didaur, ulang. 1. Make sure the regulator points at the sealed position and put. Already tagged. You can adjust the water level for, different types of rice and your own preference. French “Baked” Eggs; Astrid’s Chicken and Wild Rice Pressure Cooker Soup – Reader Recipe; Marbled Chinese Tea Eggs – Faster! Jika penanak bertekanan listrik Anda tidak berfungsi dengan benar, atau jika kualitas memasak tidak memadai, perhatikan tabel di bawah, ini. One-Pot Chicken, Mushroom and Chinese Sausage Rice . Jangan melebihi. Look for full details in your shopping basket. Make sure to turn the pressure control valve to the bake, Do not disassemble the pressure regulator valve during, cooking. Category Archives: Philips Pressure Cooker. Already tagged. View and Download Philips HD2139 user manual online. dapat menyebabkan penanak bertekanan listrik meluap. Explore philips all in one pressure cooker accessories and spareparts. the floater has dropped to open the top lid. Unfortunately this product is no longer available. Pastikan gelang penyegel terpasang dengan. Updated about 6 years ago. Please read the, Selected products Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your, Make sure the sealing ring is properly assembled around the, Make sure the pressure regulator valve and floating valve are, Make sure the outside of the inner pot is dry and clean, and, that there is no foreign residue on the heating element or the, Make sure the inner pot is in proper contact with the heating, Do not fill the inner pot with less than 1/3 or more than 2/3, For food that expands during cooking, do not fill the inner. Pull it up and take out the pressure regulator. Waktu menjaga tekanan akan berkedip pada layar. Philips Electric Pressure Cooker Hd2139 Recipe Book Facebook Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Cookbook Homemade Meals Fast Indian Instant Pot Cookbook Traditional Dishes Made Easy READ Coho Salmon Oven Recipe. Make sure to remove all the food residues around the. User manual PDF … Take out the inner pot from the electric pressure cooker and. Before using the electric pressure cooker to cook food, you need to, The floater drops when the pressure is released, Hold the lid handle and turn it anti-clockwise until the top lid, Hold the top lid handle and turn the lid anti-clockwise until it. Push down, the floater so that it does not block the, The floater has not dropped. 'cable' instead of 'calbe', 3.General terms, e.g. HD2137 electric pressure cooker pdf manual download. Pastikan memutar katup kontrol, Anda dapat mengatur waktu preset untuk memasak yang ditunda, untuk fungsi memasak yang berbeda. With a variety of cooking program, Philips electronic pressure cooker help to tenderize tough materials in minutes See all benefits Suggested retail price: MYR565.00 This product qualifies for VAT relief


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