What if that vibration is what you connect to when I encourage you to connect to Source? Even one repetition has the power to change our minds. But, i have a question.. isn't that your mood is affecting the word? I’m sure you’ve experienced having a song stuck in your head all day long, and try as you might, you just can’t get the melody out of your head. In the meantime, i continue to manifest good positive energies, thoughts.. though love and light to myself and others. Different types of energy have different frequencies. Can MDMA-Facilitated Couples Therapy Help People Heal from PTSD? Now consider how many times you’ve falsely called yourself stupid, untalented, ugly, or anything else, and you begin to understand how your internal propaganda shapes a false self-image. Hi Sarah, it is the feeling one has that determine the vibration of that person, yet vibhavari says that words are tools to be used very carefully because they can easily change ones mood. Here's the link you need to experience a shift in your life in just 10 days. Vibhavari (author) from India on April 22, 2012: This is nothing to panic about or worry about. It all depends on how you choose to use the power of the word or sound to your advantage. They are symptoms that may appear to have a physical cause, but in reality a “physical” cause is also at its root, an energetic cause. New Cliche': It was amazing. I mean, i could by angry and write you a letter... but i will write on that letter: peace! And so, it seems life is more of an energy flow than a collection of solid things. All matter et cetera = sound waves = The Word. The higher your vibration, the more authentic you are, and the more capable you’ll be of tuning into what you really want and then manifesting it in the world. Keep going my friend, there is lots to be discovered yet! But I was reading up that the universe doesn't go by ur word it only goes by vibrations and certain emotions. I really would like to tap into this more and find out what thia means. He/she encompasses everything. And I have been feeling better and better over time. Just enjoy the process and do not get attached to the outcome. There has been a great deal of research in recent years as to whether the universe we live in is actually a holographic experience, and it seems that this is very close to the truth. While experiencing these symptoms and emotions the responses made to the situations in your life will be made from a low vibrational place, often not helpful or 'bigger picture' views of life. Or with the proverbial glass half empty as opposed to half full. Emoto’s experiments were conducted with water. Or, do you feel a shaking in your hands? It's quick and easy. Words have power. These words even if not spoken resonate at a low frequency, they offer a negative vibration. Powered by Headway, the drag and drop WordPress theme, Copyright © 2020 Connect with Angels, Spirit Guides, Loved Ones. 63 Signs That You Have a Low or High Vibration. Hi, I am very confused and need some answers asap. Check it out. Amazingly, it makes no difference whether the information is true or false. I found an awesome video on YouTube called: How to Raise Your Vibration Using Words by A Leigh Edwards. This also happens with people around me. Some of us are in the habit of using the same negative words over and over again out of habit. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It has been published a few days ago. Wordnik is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN #47-2198092. Apr 28 2015 Low vibrations provide signals to us that our thinking and behaviors are headed in a direction we dont want to go and these signals can be very useful if we are aware of them However its also useful to know when you have a high vibration so you can celebrate the Chat Online . As you keep doing these things, you use the power of repetition in a highly effective way for your benefit. Thus is is not surprising that words have energy and each word resonates at different frequencies. The rice in the jar that was thanked was as white and fluffy as the day it was made. Severe dandruff can occur when you have a low-frequency vibration or low energy. She sums it up quite well in her short video clip (under 4 minutes). It seems like the more I pray (to Yeshua) the heavier this angry stone weighs me down.


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