The two would preside over discussions in cafés, at country retreats, or in Fernandez's tiny apartment in the Balvanera district. Quando regressou à Argentina em 1921, Borges começou a publicar seus poemas e ensaios em revistas literárias surrealistas. As to the German fighters, they took no stock in them. In 1933, Borges gained an editorial appointment at Revista Multicolor de los Sábados (the literary supplement of the Buenos Aires newspaper Crítica), where he first published the pieces collected as Historia universal de la infamia (A Universal History of Infamy) in 1935. Except that I wonder if a real Nazi ever existed. In 1955, he was appointed director of the National Public Library and professor of English Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. His first collection of short stories, El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan (The Garden of Forking Paths), appeared in 1941, composed mostly of works previously published in Sur. In 1962, two major anthologies of Borges's writings were published in English by New York presses: Ficciones and Labyrinths. His short story "Emma Zunz" was made into a film (under the name of Días de odio, Days of Hate, directed in 1954 by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson). In 1946, Borges published the short story "Deutsches Requiem", which masquerades as the last testament of a condemned Nazi war criminal named Otto Dietrich zur Linde. A spokesman for the Party said that this was in reaction to "certain declarations he had made about the country. Essays such as "The History of the Tango" or his writings on the epic poem "Martín Fierro" explore Argentine themes, such as the identity of the Argentine people and of various Argentine subcultures. Também lida com campanhas militares históricas, como a guerra argentina contra os índios durante a presidência, entre outros, do escritor Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, trata-as, porém, como pano de fundo para criações fictícias, como em História do Guerreiro e da Cativa. It was then Argentina's most important literary journal and helped Borges find his fame. Aos sete anos de idade, Borges já teria revelado ao seu pai que seria escritor. [9], Borges's father died in 1938, shortly before his 64th birthday. His first story written after his accident, "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote,” came out in May 1939. Borges published his first published collection of poetry, Fervor de Buenos Aires, in 1923 and contributed to the avant-garde review Martín Fierro. Numa memorável palestra sobre O Livro em 1978, Borges comenta a felicidade que teve ao ganhar a enciclopédia alemã Enzyklopadie Brockhaus, edição de 1966. In the Book of Imaginary Beings, a thoroughly researched bestiary of mythical creatures, Borges wrote, "There is a kind of lazy pleasure in useless and out-of-the-way erudition. [22][23] Victoria Ocampo dedicated a large portion of the July 1942 issue of Sur to a "Reparation for Borges." [115], The character Fierro is illegally drafted to serve at a border fort to defend it against the indigenous population but ultimately deserts to become a gaucho matrero, the Argentine equivalent of a North American western outlaw. [17] Ocampo introduced Borges to Adolfo Bioy Casares, another well-known figure of Argentine literature who was to become a frequent collaborator and close friend. The policemen replied that he would soon face the consequences. "[67], In a 1938 essay, Borges reviewed an anthology which rewrote German authors of the past to fit the Nazi party line. [85], In 1985, he wrote a short poem about the Falklands War called Juan López y John Ward, about two fictional soldiers (one from each side), who died in the Falklands, in which he refers to "islands that were too famous". Un uomo che ha fatto della scrittura la principale attività di tutta una vita, fino alla sua morte. Like much of the Argentine opposition to Perón, SADE had become marginalized due to persecution by the State, and very few active members remained. Borges replied, "I think a writer's duty is to be a writer, and if he can be a good writer, he is doing his duty. In 1971, he won the Jerusalem Prize. [44] Borges responded, "You are asking me if I want a priest." Laín Corona, Guillermo. "[64], In the same interview, Borges also criticized famed Marxist poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca, who was abducted by Nationalist soldiers and executed without trial during the Spanish Civil War. "[55] Borges added that "the news of the missing people, the crimes and atrocities [the military] committed" had inspired him to return to his earlier Emersonian faith in democracy. "Murilo Rubião, o mágico do conto". According to Williamson, Borges shouted, "Viva la Patria", until his voice grew hoarse. He suggested that only someone trying to write an "Arab" work would purposefully include a camel. Em 1955, foi nomeado diretor da Biblioteca Nacional da República Argentina e professor de literatura na Universidade de Buenos Aires. [15], Encontra-se sepultado no Cemitério de Plainpalais, em Genebra, na Suíça. Seu trabalho foi traduzido e publicado extensamente nos Estados Unidos e Europa. Borges was overjoyed and joined demonstrators marching through the streets of Buenos Aires. [65], In 1934, Argentine ultra-nationalists, sympathetic to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, asserted Borges was secretly Jewish, and by implication, not truly Argentinian. A more reasonable, more inept, and more lazy man, I have chosen to write notes on imaginary books. (Buenos Aires, 24 de agosto de 1899 - Ginebra, Suiza, 14 de junio de 1986). I read Sartor Resartus, and I can recall many of its pages; I know them by heart. Aos nove, escreve seu primeiro conto, "La visera fatal", inspirado num episódio de Dom Quixote. Esta página foi editada pela última vez às 03h34min de 6 de agosto de 2020. Borges was a notable translator. "[88], Paramount among his intellectual interests are elements of mythology, mathematics, theology, integrating these through literature, sometimes playfully, sometimes with great seriousness. And then I created the ideal Nazi. Kodama took legal action against Assouline, considering the remark unjustified and defamatory, asking for a symbolic compensation of one euro. [13][Note 2] The Borges family decided that, due to political unrest in Argentina, they would remain in Switzerland during the war. “Chi può conoscere meglio se stesso, se non un cieco?”. Dotato da sempre di una forte sensibilità questa condizione fisica influenza quella mentale. [47], Kodama, his widow and heir on the basis of the marriage and two wills, gained control over his works. WhatsApp. Dalla forte valenza simbolica, i suoi romanzi contengono storie in cui si avverte il distacco dalla realtà concreta del mondo che ci circonda e in cui viviamo. Galería de Directores, Biblioteca Nacional (Argentina), Martin Hadis' site on The Life & Works of Jorge Luis Borges, Nabokov, Neruda and Borges revealed as losers of 1965 Nobel prize, "Hemliga dokument visar kampen om Nobelpriset", "Book review: 'The Thieves of Manhattan' by Adam Langer", "Velez, Wanda (1990) "South American Immigration: Argentina,, "Jorge Luis Borges, The Art of Fiction No.


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