The inclusion of air-bubbles. Ancient taverns, traditional countryside inns, gastro-pubs and welcoming hostelries are included - all carefully selected on merit with no charge for inclusion. The inclusion of Mr. ancient taverns, traditional countryside inns, gastro-pubs and welcoming hostelries are included - all carefully selected on merit with no charge for inclusion. This beautiful picture of the Christian life as a realized ideal, and of Christians as "the soul" of the world, owes its inclusion to a double error: first, to the accidental attachment at the end of another fragment (ยง II), which opens with the writer's claim to stand forth as a teaclier as being "a disciple of apostles"; and next, to mistaken exegesis of this phrase as implying personal relations with apostles, rather than knowledge of their teaching, written or oral. One of the new elements in the Spider-Man 3 movie was the inclusion of the black suit that caused the creation of the Venom character. None of the inclusion s in the diamond gives any clue to its origin; diamond itself has been found as an inclusion, as have also black specks of some carbonaceous materials. The inclusion of raw data should not be considered mandatory. The ruminant feed ban prohibited the inclusion of ruminant protein in ruminant rations. Up to 80 percent of female adults and adolescents with inclusion conjunctivitis are asymptomatic, and almost half of those with adult inclusion conjunctivitis do not have a systemic infection of chlamydia. The English version is noteworthy for its inclusion of the skilful renderings of the ancient hymns by J. Luiz de Haro, acting as the Spanish plenipotentiary, obtained the inclusion in the treaty of a secret article by which France undertook to give no further aid to Portugal. How to use inclusion in a sentence. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Inclusion conjunctivitis is caused by an intracellular organism called Chlamydia trachomatis. In comparing the different countries, it may be noted that in some parts of Europe the rate is raised by the inclusion of the offspring of marriages not registered as demanded by law, though duly performed in church. The issue of a programme so liberal, and notably the inclusion in it of the idea of universal suffrage, entirely checkmated the opposition parties. Julius Caesar extended the sphere of the Roman municipal system by his enfranchisement of Cisalpine Gaul, and the consequent inclusion of all the towns of that region in the category of municipia. They also found an increased risk associated with inclusion body myositis (SIR 2.4; 95% CI 1.2, 4.9 ). Nowadays, of course, the Comic Relief joke is to use the inclusion of a high profile celebrity as a throwaway gag. Perhaps, their inclusion might have given the sequel that visceral punch it needed. A fantastic inclusion to the game is an easy-to-use level editor. Comparison with trade statistics of previous years on this side Afghanistan is difficult, owing to the inclusion of a large section of Baluchistan and Persia within the official " Kandahar " returns; but it does not appear that the value of the western Afghanistan trade is much on the increase. Anyway, worthy of inclusion in our little list only for the little ditty entitled ' The Derby Ram ' . The Everlon designs are based on variations of the love knot, with loops of precious metal being held together in the style of knots by the clever inclusion of diamonds. The effect of this inclusion was to make the per-share earnings appear larger than any previous year, when in fact they had experienced a recession. Comte does not recognize that this process is aided by any increase of innate capacity; on the contrary, progress is to him the unfolding of fundamental faculties of human nature which always pre-existed in a latent condition; yet he may perhaps be said to have prepared the way for the new conception of human progress by his inclusion of mental laws under biology. Early in the 12th century the city was enlarged by the inclusion of suburbs of Oversburg, Niederich and St Aposteln; in 1180 these were enclosed in a permanent rampart which, in the 13th century, was strengthened with the walls and gates that survived till the 19th century. We have, in fact, returned very nearly to Cuvier's conception of a great division or branch, which he called Articulata, including the Arthropoda and the Chaetopoda (Annelides of Lamarck, a name adopted by Cuvier), and differing from it only by the inclusion of the Rotif era. Significant improvements in bus services throughout the country are plugged in directly to the social inclusion agenda. Domestic and SUV enthusiasts can even get in on the action, with the inclusion of such vehicles as the Cadillac Escalade and Ford Mustang. No recommendation of any establishment is implied by inclusion on this website. Romans stands on an eminence on the right bank of the Isere, a fine stone result will be the inclusion of all Israel in the heritage of the messianic kingdom of Christ. The inclusion of the performance section in the Wechsler scales is especially helpful in assessing the cognitive ability of non-native speakers and children with speech and language disorders. Of these the first and last are relatively small and sharply defined families, distinguished from the second family, which forms the bulk of the group, by characters so diverse that their inclusion with them in one larger group can only be justified on the ground of convenience. Both the British manager and the American manager, however, are supplied with a considerable number of daily, weekly and monthly reports, varying on different railways, which are not made public. 4. Yes: Parliament would debat Some words are too infrequent to be worthy of, 28. Entering poems for inclusion into these books can be a good way to earn money. suggestions for inclusion in the Program. With the inclusion of the stone in the world famous jewelers Tiffany's range, the position of the stone as a real alternative to more traditional stones was sealed. Nevertheless, in contemporary usage the term has become synonymous with public access to the Internet, social inclusion, broadband and lottery largesse. subset of orbitals for inclusion in the CI. As a consequence, some fundamental policy issues will emerge, alongside certain difficulties inherent to the rhetoric of inclusion. Sample groups Studies of participants diagnosed with retinoblastoma at the age of 18 years or under were eligible for inclusion. auxiliaryearly years of the NHS, medical Social Workers rejected their inclusion under a regulatory body for general medical auxiliaries. Some of these features are scheduled for inclusion in version 5. However one evaluates such work, its inclusion here makes sense. We welcome readers' letters for possible inclusion on this page. The following table shows the estimated revenue and expenditure for five years: - The great increase after 1907-8 is due to the inclusion of railway receipts and expenditure, with some other items not previously enumerated. If it is on the interior of the stone, it is called an "inclusion. The effect of this Decision was to ban the inclusion of gelatine in ruminant rations.


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