Furthermore, we applied the DPF procedure to explore the characteristics of students in the different level of performance. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the Antireligious campaign of the Soviet power during late 1920s and "Pionerskaya Pravda" newspaper is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner. This research aims to explain student’s ability in academic speaking based on the framework of item responses theory. The purpose of the Review is to develop a healthy and enlightening platform for discussion and collaboration between philosophers and engaged researchers from other academic disciplines. Applications of this study: Based on the design proposed for the Indonesian Language Proficiency assessment, other generalizability design (G-Design) used is a cross design because each student (p) becomes the object of observation of two observers (r) who both assess four aspects of observation/indicator. Main Findings: A conceptual framework is proposed to identify factors affecting uncertainty in employability and implementation of education 4.0 model aligned with industry 4.0 to overcome these factors for developing existing education is studied here. In the English speaking electronic newspapers in political discourse generally accepted abbreviations are used. Applications: This paper is vital in discussing the concept of God through inter-theological dialogue. It was precisely in such a barbaric environment that the idea of the sea plunder of the Greco-Roman world could have arisen. An online questionnaire was distributed in May 2020 with the target population of the Indonesian public, especially the ones who have a stay-at-home order in their cities. The ratio of working capital to total assets (X1) is a ratio of liquidity which measures the extent of working capital that is used to finance the total assets. Through this discourse, the political image of the candidate was constructed. Main Findings: Results show that work motivation possesses a significant effect on work productivity of employees and lecturers of STIE AAS. The data collected was systematically tabulated and analyzed qualitatively. Comparative theology is done to examine theological discourse as part of inter-religious dialogue. It is explained why this medieval saint became the hero of the national cultural pantheon of united Italy and in 1939 the holy Patron of Fascist Italy. Novelty/Originality of this study: Some rater qualifications that must be met include the process of gathering and using the appropriateness of background information before assessing. The 175 respondents came from the most frequent library users. Moreover, it provides the contractual support pursuant to FIDIC 2017 clauses. Therefore, in this case, the government is not merely a member of parliament but oversees the course of the program. Novelty/Originality of this study: A new pedagogy of STEM integration in Malaysia education system. Main Findings -The findings of the study revealed that the majority of schools in Golaghat district have very less provision for visually impaired/ low vision children and children’s magazines, newspapers and other kinds of books in the library are missing within the school premises. Implications/Applications: This study suggests that the politics of foreign investors has contributed towards the changes of government policies in the financial sectors to facilitate the process and to ensure the flow of foreign investment to Indonesia. As far as other infrastructural conditions are concerned most of the schools surveyed lacks separate classrooms and basic facilities like separate rooms for the headmaster, staff room for teachers, computer room, sports equipment and space for assembly. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study has proposed a new conceptual framework of identifying the factors that cause of unemployment gap between academia and industries. Methodology: Content analyses have been conducted on the 2014 annual and sustainability reports of ninety (90) ISO14001 certified companies. The editorial team would like to welcome you to our journal. The anxiety of students facing the final examinations is directly related to self-efficacy and peer support. 10 Islamic banks in Malaysia were chosen to be tested for its performance. Novelty/Originality of this study: The Effect of Economic Growth on Labor Absorption had a significant effect on labor absorption in East Java. These factors have a different level of importance. Methodology: The basis of scientific research is the dialectical materialist method, which allows revealing the patterns of development of the relevant legal industry and suggesting the most likely options for the development of legislation and law enforcement practice. Purpose of the study: The article is devoted to the complex topic of the invasion of the barbarians, known as the Borans, into the territory of the Bosporan Kingdom in the 3rd century A.D. The final questionnaire has been prepared after including various compliances on the aspects of Pupil-Teacher Ratio, Infrastructure, Health and Hygiene and SMC training.


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