| 許永真 Jane Hsu | TEDxTaipei 從1956年第一次訂立人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)這個名詞,到2016年圍棋對弈一戰成名的AlphaGo,「人工智慧到底會不會取代人類」一直是各方焦慮的質疑,而隨著機器學習與深度學習的發展,人工智慧快速精準的學習資料庫內的模型,不管是簡單的圖像辨識,或是複雜的醫學影像,都能夠做到比人類專家更精準的判讀。 身為一位人工智慧研究學者,許永真提出”AI is to empower people.” 人工智慧應是人類的助力,能夠縮短高重複性勞務時間並降低錯誤率,是協助人類解決複雜問題的一項技術。 我們不需要害怕機器取代人類,而是學習與機器合作,成為懂得善用人工智慧的人才。 —–, Andrew Ng (Stanford University) is building robots to improve the lives of millions. Our take on it is closer to this last definition, allowing for the acquisition, processing and applying of information within a broad range of contexts. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. Much has happened since then! We already have numerous software programs which are vastly more intelligent than human consciousness in very specific ways; ASI would probably just be an integration of all such programs. Reply. Knowledge or information or data is the key for the concept of intelligence. Using huge datasets, algorithms learn iteratively, looking for patterns to make sense of future inputs. What is AI? With such a successful run from the 50s through the 70s, fuelled not only by scientific advances but also elevated public expectations nurtured by science fiction such as Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey, or Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, a collision course with limitations of AI was inevitable. 2011: Apple’s Siri is introduced, using somewhat natural language to answer questions, make recommendations and perform simple actions, or failing that, look things up on the internet for you. not hard-coded. In the absence of teaching, the baby would take longer to create associations and learn, through an extensive trial and error method. Roger Schank and Marvin Minsky, leading AI researchers who had survived the first winter of the 1970s, warned the business community that “enthusiasm for AI had spiralled out of control in the ’80s and that disappointment would certainly follow.” These peaks and valleys in AI enthusiasm continue today. Another way to frame this discussion is the difference between “narrow” and “general” artificial intelligence. From: https://posthumanismtranshumanism.wordpress.com/…/what…/, Your email address will not be published. This allows deep learning to tackle problems where the solutions aren’t obvious to humans. eddie Mar 4, 2019 At 6:22 pm. Juliette Powel, Founder, Turing AI, “It’s pretty much anything that computers don’t do it yet right it just seems like every time computers do a new thing we raise the standard of what it means to actually have an AI..” Kevin Kelly summed this up nicely in a recent TED talk: “There are no AI experts right now. 6: ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence): This would be software that would be vastly more intelligent than human consciousness and is generally presented in science fiction as a singular program, however that it is highly improbable, and more likely to be a vast array of integrated programs. Let’s make something more useful. No need to make artificial ones. What followed from the mid-fifties throughout the early 70s were referred to as AI’s “golden years”, with huge advances in computing, and increases in both enthusiasm and government funding. But make note that these flaws are not what makes a machine intelligent. The Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, also known by his Latinized name Algoritmi (from which we derived the word algorithm), is also a key figure in many of the concepts we take for granted in AI today. Some define AI loosely as a computerized system that exhibits behaviour that is commonly thought of as requiring intelligence. We believe that at its core, AI is an immense learning opportunity, and if developed mindfully, can propel humans towards wide-sweeping advances. wii tu low Mar 4, 2019 At 6:25 pm. HAL 9000 is the holy grail of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a goal craved for by AI scientists but still a long way from achieving. Artificial Intelligence Apocalypse | More Myth Than Reality, Over Next Three Years, Employees will Need Reskilling as AI Takes Jobs.


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