Industry: Describe the industry you work in, including the growth prospects and the opportunities it … It’s reality check time. Describe the ownership and legal establishment of the company. 1. [Your product and/or service] to / for. Tell us what you stand for as a business. 3. Starting with a simple outline is the best way ... 2. Once you have your answers to all five questions, you can then use them to fill out this simple one-sentence business statement template: [Your business name] provides / offers / sells / creates. Start with a basic outline that includes the Who, What, Where and since When of your business story. Goals and Objectives: Describe your business goals or long range plans and the objectives or steps to achieve those goals. Business Philosophy: It's the fundamental principle for which your company is formed. You should also explain who owns the company, and, if there is more than one owner, in what proportion. How to write a powerful business description for your website. Yes, you may have the skills to do lots … [Your target … This means to specify whether your company is a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or some other kind of legal entity, such as a limited liability partnership. Identify what you really WANT to sell.


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