When choosing a manuka honey, you should consider 3 things: I’ll go over each one of these points and by the time we’re done, you’ll know exactly which manuka honey is right for you. U.S. Grade A is the highest quality of extracted honey. This wonderful gift of honey gives us a massive antibacterial fighting boost, as a natural and wonderful everyday food source! You are correct to say that Manuka Honey is expensive. What makes manuka honey special is that it can have non-peroxide activity (NPA) in addition to the antibacterial activity from the hydrogen peroxide. It must be a stressful time for you and the family knowing a beloved pet is hurting so much. It makes sense that they would, to ensure pure product with high levels of helpful compounds. There are two main Industry Rating Systems used today. I have found that buying the product directly from the Manufacturers website (so you know the item is 100% genuine) is not always the best way to get the lowest price. UMF and MGO are the most commonly used grading systems that convey the medicinal quality of the manuka honey. Not all manuka honey has NPA. The MGO grading system tests for the Methylglyoxal contained within the honey. P. acnes has been shown to be susceptible to manuka honey’s antibacterial activity even with a grade of UMF 10+. Welcome to Manuka Natural in New Zealand. Your email address will not be published. Talk to you vet as well. Don’t get ripped off ever again! 2) Medical Grading. Methylglyoxal is a measure of the concentration of Methylglyoxal compound in the honey. Acne can be caused by a variety of factors but one of the most common is a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes that lives in your pores. Thank you for visiting today. I wrote an article on the difference (for humans). Grades below UMF 10+ don’t have significant levels of antibacterial activity. which enjoys a world wide reputation as a wonderful natural fighter for bacteria / fungus and infection. If you use manuka honey externally (say, as a salve for a wound), the honey doesn’t get diluted very much if at all, so it retains its full antibacterial strength. The trademark owners are Manuka Health New Zealand Ltd. Industry competitors often use the generic term MG to represent the levels of Methylglyoxal found in their honey. However, Methylglyoxal can be produced synthetically and added to the honey during manufacturing process, so the test does not offer a true sign of purity and quality when it comes to evaluating genuine Manuka. from the tables below. australianrawhoney.com encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. – U.S. Grade B is the quality of extracted honey that meets the applicable requirements of Table A … In these cases you’ll be fine with a KFactor or Bio Active manuka honey. UMF grades start at 5+ and go as high as 25+ and MGO starts at 30+ and goes above 800+. Generally, I’d recommend a low grade manuka honey as there isn’t much benefit in spending the extra money on a high grade manuka if you’re using it non-medicinally. So, if you have multiple uses in mind, get the highest grade required or get multiple grades and use them accordingly. It gives us the relationship of the quantity of Methylglyoxal in Manuka Honey and the UMF Rating. What do I mean by the ‘medicinal quality’ of the manuka honey? What is Manuka Honey and Why is it Special? Capilano (AUS) are the #1 by sales volume and total litres sold, but they are generally products with a lower activity or rating level (mass market leader). Specifically, I’d go for a UMF 5+, MGO 30+ or any grade of KFactor or Bio Active manuka honey. Good article, every time I come here, I learn something new . How do you use your honey at home? I’m not a doctor, so if you’re dealing with a serious medical issue, ask for your doctor’s input. You are also right to make as any enquiries as you can to try and get the lowest price. Methylglyoxal is not the only compound that is responsible for the antimicrobial properties of Manuka Honey and it is only a measure of the quantity or the concentration of Methylglyoxal in the honey. This will ensure the highest levels of beneficial antioxidants and enzymes. The UMF rating system is used by a number of brands such as Comvita (the leading UMF brand), New Zealand Honey Co., Manukora, Kiva, and Happy Valley. Now today, I have drawn a small graph, its just indicative only. The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions and research of australianrawhoney.com, unless otherwise noted. This means that a UMF rating of 20+ is equivalent in strength to a 20% solution of phenol. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of australianrawhoney.com and their partner sites. U.S. Grade A is the quality of extracted honey that meets the applicable requirements of Table IV or V, and has a minimum total score of 90 points. The two broad categories I lump these uses into are: I categorize non-medicinal uses for manuka honey as uses that do not require meaningful levels of antibacterial activity. In this guide, I’m going to show you exactly what to look for and how to choose manuka honey that’s right for you based on how you plan to use it. If you are curious to learn How Is Honey made, then please click here. The two market leaders for Medical Grade Manuka Honey are Comvita (NZ) and Manuka Health (NZ). From what you have described, it sounds like Non-Peroxide Activity would be better. If I wanted to buy off the internet as the vet charges such a lot what exactly am I looking for say in a jar of this honey. If the manuka honey doesn’t have the required level of antibacterial activity, it’s not going to be effective. Australian & New Zealand Manuka Raw Honey. These include: the key markers of Leptosperin, DHA and Methylglyoxal. The first one is called the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) Honey rating system. U.S. Grade B is the quality of extracted honey that meets the applicable requirements of Table IV or V, and has a minimum total score of 80 points.


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