Classroom objects can be a boring topic to teach in class, so feel free to limit the number of flashcards you use. A few of the suggested items (ex. Here are two sets of picture cards for classroom. NOTE:  The American English set has a duplicate card: colored pencils (US spelling) and coloured pencils (Canadian spelling). This is PDF file in A4 size so please feel free to print and use in classroom or your home. Average: 3.25. -   Copyright   Print classroom objects flashcards to colour and write. All rights reserved. The resulting picture can be printed and cut out for your classes. Try to gradually introduce new words when they become relevant. step by step guide of how to print flashcards click here, Its in/on/under/by the (classroom object). In this set, each picture shows 2, 3, or 4 multiples of an item, so you can practice final-s sound as well as counting and colours A larger set of Classroom Objects flashcards is available, with mainly singular objects. You may also like… Finally had a chance to update this set. If it safe to do so, you might even ask a student to go and touch the object. Print large classroom and stationery vocabulary flashcards, small game cards, bingo cards, handouts and worksheets to match. PDF files for Classroom Set 1: - Small flashcards with words - Small flashcards without words - Large flashcards with words - Large flashcards without words; PDF files for Classroom Set 2: - Small flashcards with words Try to have a conversation rather than just drilling each time. Print two sets and place them face down. Because of the duplicate card, the British English set has two terms for the same object: coloured pencils and colouring pencils. Classroom objects can be a boring topic to teach in class, so feel free to limit the number of flashcards you use. I have (classroom object) and (classroom object). Note that this wizard only shows the picture, not the word. Have the children chant the target question and have the student repeat as they turn over the card and try to find the pair. Alternatively, go through the entire set together as a class asking “Do we have a ~ ?” You could review prepositions of place at the same time! This classroom objects flashcards set includes 10 classroom objects vocabulary with pinyin and Chinese characters (two set included--with pinyin and withou pinyin). Materials on are available for personal and classroom use only. There are supporting materials for languages other than English and teaching suggestions for each set. This set is fun to use in classroom when teaching new words, for words recognition, and also great to use for card games/ fun activitie. Subjects: Chinese. The vocabulary words in this set come without any indefinite articles at the start of the word. Chances are that you will be using words like door, pencil, and calendar a lot in class anyway : D, Young learners tend to remember the items that they like, so think about this as you introduce the next few flashcards. Try to relate the picture on the flashcard to what your student can see in real life. Privacy Policy   colored pencils / coloured pencils –> see note. Help and Support. Classroom objects flashcards. In the PDF file you’ll find the following flashcards to learn school objects in English: pen, … Thanks! Try to gradually introduce new words when they become relevant. A set of nine cards of plural objects commonly found in classrooms. Help and Support. Here are a set of 48 picture cards for classroom including ‘school’ and ‘teacher’. electronics) will be included in new sets, hopefully this summer. The flashcard sets include the words backpack, book, calculator, calendar, char, chalkboard, clock, color pencils, computer, crayons, desk, door, eraser, globe, glue, laptop, marker, microscope, notebook, paint set, paper clip, pen, pencil, pencil sharpener, ruler, school, school bus, scissors, table, tablet, water bottle, and whiteboard! I have included a classroom object chart that has all the items of the classroom on it. Be forewarned: a few of these items are non-count nouns— I’m looking at you glue, tape, paper and scissors! Don’t worry if your children have trouble remembering a lot of the words, try to use the classroom vocabulary in conversation. Learn about objects around your school and kindergarten with these easy to understand flashcards. Average: 3.801725. Could use scissors, trash bin, teacher, student, book bag or backpack, CD player, stamp, stickers, ink pad, table, tape player, clock, computer color pencils, crayons, paper, door, classroom, glue, markers, folder, wall, whiteboard. - Free ESL printables for teaching kids including flashcards, worksheets, classroom games and children's song lyrics. For example, if you are teaching the word ‘door’, ask your students if they can see a door. School. Feel free to put it on your wall or cut it up into smaller flashcards for activities! Classroom Flashcards. Print flashcards of classroom objects. -   Mobile   Level 2. Print out more than one set to be able to play more activities like matching games and other group activities! Images with labels, Small, American English, Images with labels, Medium, American English, Images with labels, Large, American English, Images with labels, Small, British English, Images with labels, Medium, British English, Images with labels, Large, British English. If all the vocabulary is completely new, I would only use 6-8 cards at a time. These flashcards are perfect for young learners in preschool or kindergarten! Because there are so many cards, they are useful in large classes too. backpack, book, calculator, calendar, char, chalkboard, clock, color pencils, computer, crayons, desk, door, eraser, globe, glue, laptop, marker, microscope, notebook, paint set, paper clip, pen, pencil, pencil sharpener, ruler, school, school bus, scissors, table, tablet, water bottle, and whiteboard. This flashcard pack includes all school vocabulary words in easy to read bold lettering. Average: 3.8 (232 votes) Tags. Choosing a theme from the list below will bring up a collection of flashcards in the box on the left. Print classroom objects flashcards to colour and write. Sometimes, you don't want to print off a whole set of flashcards, but just need one or two. Print classroom objects flashcards. Otherwise, our two vocabularies are the same. - Free ESL resources for kids including flashcards, worksheets, games and song lyrics. There are 35 flashcards including 'teacher' and 'stickers'. 34 flashcards of objects commonly found in classrooms. Average: 3.3 (4 votes) Tags. As time progresses, you can carry over the difficult flashcards onto next month’s lesson using it as a way to review the target. A great resource for teachers of ESL kids. As for ESL students, there is a lot of grammar that can be taught with these cards, but try to only use 1 to 2 targets per flashcard set. In the future I home to make plural flashcards, so please avoid using that target with these cards. The set includes both items that students (should) have in their own school bags as well as items likely to be found on the teacher’s desk only, such as a stapler. It’s ok to repeat a few times, but show the children that the words can be used for communication : ). -   Links   This will focus the children more and create a little excitement as they search for the object. Since this set includes a few items which a classroom may not have, such as a globe, microscope, or box cutter, you may want to go omit those cards beforehand. This little wizard does that job. Also, be careful of the word ‘glue’ as it is an uncountable noun! Print classroom objects flashcards. It should be noted that some words are in the plural form such as ‘crayons’ and color pencils’. This is the flashcards section of ESL-Kids. Pack 2 comes with the word’s indefinite article, So instead of reading ‘pencil’, they read ‘a pencil’. Classroom objects flashcards. These are great! The set includes both items that students (should) have in their own school bags as well as items likely to be found on the teacher’s desk only, such as a stapler. I agree this set could use an update That’s a great list, thank you! This flashcard collection can be used to teach school supplies vocabulary. -   About   Here are two sets of picture cards for classroom. Documents. 32 classroom objects flashcards for your kindergarten and ESL lessons! Print a set of classroom objects flashcards, or print some for you to colour in and write the words! Below is some suggested grammar to use with the cards. Documents. Choose the picture and size you want, and click 'Go'.


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