Size: Head and body length 9-11cm, tail length 3-7cm. Population number. Fancy taking part in a survey, joining us on a wildlife event or becoming a regular supporter? Instagram The Bank voles, living nearby roads, are threatened by lead exposure. The population size varies from year to year but in the long term appears to be stable. The population density depends on the time of year and location and varies between six and one hundred individuals per hectare. We are governed by a board of volunteer trustees and our team of staff are passionate about protecting endangered species and places. They make their nests in shallow burrows that they dig just beneath the ground, which they line with leaves, grasses, moss or feathers. Facebook The Skomer vole arrived there hundreds of years ago and is twice the size of its mainland relative. Thank you. The bank vole has a very wide range across Europe and western Asia. New report shows highs and lows of mammal conservation in Wales. They have three or four litters a year, each with three to five young. UK population 23,000,000. Head and body length 9-11cm, tail length 3-7cm. The bank vole tail is under half the length of their body and they have a blunt nose with small eyes and ears. The information that you provide will be held by People’s Trust for Endangered Species. We gather this through surveys, which you can take part in, and by awarding research grants to the most inspiring scientists worldwide. Bank voles have large ears (but not as large as mice) which distinguish them from other UK vole species. Description: Red/brown fur above with cream/grey fur below. On the other hand, those in agricultural lands are endangered by pesticide drift as well as exposure to molluscicides and rodenticides. For information on how PTES processes personal data, please see our privacy policy. This evidence guides our conservation efforts and is shared through our events and publications. Litters of 3 – 5 blind, hairless young are born between April and October and become independent within nine weeks but over half of those born early in the season will die before they are four months old. There are so many ways you can help save endangered species. By visiting our site you are allowing the use of cookies. We'd love to tell you about our conservation work through our regular newsletter Wildlife World, and also how you can save endangered species through volunteering, taking action or donating. Habitat loss and agricultural pesticide use. Tail length: Less than half the body length Rounded snout and small eyes and ears (ears usually not visible, hidden under fur). YouTube, People's Trust for Endangered Species, 3 Cloisters House, 8 Battersea Park Road, London SW8 4BG, Registered Charity Number: 274206 • Site Design: Mike Leach Creative at Waters • Branding: Be Colourful. Bank voles are widely distributed throughout Britain and the south west of Ireland. At first sight, they can be confused with field voles, which are greyer, or wood mice, which have a longer tail and bound rather than scurry. View our Cookie Policy for more info or to opt out. A close relative (subspecies) of the bank vole is present on Skomer Island off the south west coast of Wales. Tail black above and white below, and tail length 50% of head and body length. Subscribe to our mailing list and receive regular e-bulletin packed full of mammal news and ways you can get involved with mammal conservation. It is absolutely avoidable. Bank voles are not legally protected in the UK and have no conservation designation. Not to be confused with: the field vole. Bank voles are active during both the day and night, and forage over distances up to 50 metres. Thank you. We are working to preserve ancient woodlands, orchards and wood pastures and parklands, as well as the countless species they support. Bank voles are very active and agile animals, and are frequently seen - they even visit bird tables. LinkedIn The population trend is unknown. Lifespan: Up to 18 months. Some habitats contain such a richness of life that we need to protect them at all odds. For these reasons, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated the bank vole as being of "Least Concern" in its Red List of Threatened Species. They are very nimble climbers and often climb up bushes to nibble fruit and buds. If you are concerned about whether to take part in surveys during the COVID-19 outbreak, please check the current government guidelines to help you decide if it is appropriate and safe for you to do so. Urban & gardens, deciduous woodland, grassland, mixed woodland, heathland, arable land. PROSIECT ADFER LYGOD DWY YNG NGHYMRU/ WATER VOLE RESEARCH PROJECT. Native to Great Britain; populations in Ireland were accidentally introduced in the 1950s. When it lives on road verges, the bank vole can suffer from lead toxicity Head-body length: 8 – 12cm Everything we do is based on scientific evidence. Support our work in our shop with a range of charity gifts, home-ware, cards and more. Registered Company No. The number of the Bank vole total population is unknown for today, although this species is very common across its range. Design by Fingerprint Digital Media. You can act now by choosing to give to our cause. Broadleaf woodland, scrubland, hedgerows and sometimes gardens where there is plenty of ground cover and food. 278918Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions Grass, roots, fruit such as apples, seeds, and also insects and earthworms. We protect wildlife in Britain and around the world by bringing our most threatened species back from the brink of extinction. People’s Trust for Endangered Species was set up in 1977 to save our wildlife. We do this through ground-breaking research, practical conservation and education, all with the help of our supporters. 1455136 Charity No. There is nothing natural about the alarming rate at which we are losing animals and their homes. They live in shallow burrows, but may make grassy, round nests above ground if the soil is unsuitable for digging. Our successes come from ground-breaking research, practical conservation and education, all with the help of our supporters. The smallest of the UK’s voles, bank voles have a reddish-chestnut coat with a dirty white underside. We use cookies to analyse how visitors use our website and to help us provide the best possible experience for users. We can stop the loss of our wildlife – but we need your support. Field voles have a shorter tail (around 30% the length of its body, compared to 50% for the bank vole). Litters of 3 – 5 blind, hairless young are born between April and October and become independent within nine weeks but over half of those born early in the season will die before they are four months old. Bank voles do not hibernate. We strive to bring our most threatened species in the UK and around the world back from the brink of extinction. Includes the latest news and updates from Mammal Society! You must be 18 or over. Twitter Size: Head and body length 9-11cm, tail length 3 … Males sometimes travel further to find a mate. 100% of the profits go directly to help wildlife both in the UK an overseas. Common and widespread. Like all voles, it has small eyes, a short tail and a rounded snout. Weight: 14 – 40g


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