There is hardly any sugar left in the pot. Answer: S : heart action (a) your, 10 We went to see Taj Mahal is ours vacations. The rule can be understood with the help of the following example sentences -, 8) Certain exclamatory expressions. ………………. In the above sentences, a, an, the, this, my, some, any, and one are words which mark the subsequent arrival of a noun. This car is very comfortable. Answer: The woman has the right to a career. She is blind in one eye. Many a flower is born to blush unseen. India expects every man to do his best. Your email address will not be published. His brother is going to the United States. (b) PSRQ (c) a, most (b) a, other Also, ‘a’ is used where the following word is a singular countable noun. Answer: Or would you prefer a banana? Answer: We have few holidays during this term. Our players missed very good chances of scoring. Ashay - September 20, 2015, 5:16 pm Reply, It is good but can u make me clear about the difference between few,a few,the few…, Few is for is for a negative idea and a few is for a positive idea, Anonymous - October 5, 2017, 7:21 am Reply, But what’s the difference between a few and a little, Ankmowy - December 29, 2017, 7:46 pm Reply. 3. S : natural styptics Can I have another cup of coffee? I have studied very little for my exam. (a) few They are preceded by the determiner ‘an’. 11) Hello! room. The rule can be understood with the help of the following, These are used to refer to amount or quantity. Bring me the purse I gave you. (e)  some, any, no; all, both; much, many; few, less, several, little (Indefinite Numeral Determiners) No, she doesn’t give a great deal of milk. (c) PROS, 9. (c) the 5)      All I have two sisters and a brother; my brother has the son; that makes me an uncle. (c) A, a, 12. ………….. that much in stock They are going to have their lunch. Answer: We also have strawberries. (b) the Taj Mahal, our’s (a) …………………. 10. 11)   This (c) …………………. Another child can do it. 1. students are there in the zonal football team? Would you lend me your watch for ………….. days? (b) an, many should be free to follow (d) …………………. Choose the correct answer to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. anchors to the show. You are here: >> Home >> Grammar Quizzes >> Quantifiers Determiners Quizzes >> Determiners Test 3 Print exercises and lessons: Hint: For exercises, you can reveal the answers first ("Submit Worksheet") and print the page to have the exercise and the answers. A word that determines or limits a noun or a noun phrase is a determiner. Note: … 5) Others- all, each, every, both, neither, either, other, another, enough, most, several, one, two, etc. I have no friends in our class. Fewer is used where we refer to a group of things that are smaller than another group before plural nouns. pinch of snuff between (e)…………………. We Would you like to see some recent publications? (a) a, many, (i)    ERROR CORRECTION (some, but not many). (e) (v) Little and Few    [Indefinite Numeral Determiners] Of the three, opera, movies and music, the last is his favorite. (a) a. this, 20. There isn’t any sugar in the pot. Either book will do. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners: 4. (a) Any, 7. Little is also used in reference to small amount of something without any emphasis. Q : for anyone (b) One’s, one Five boys are sitting on that bench. For example: ‘The’ should not be used before abstract nouns, plural nouns, proper nouns, names of meals, colours, materials when they are being used in general sense. The scheme failed for want of support. ‘The little’ and ‘The few’ imply two statements—One negative and the other affirmative. If the sentence is grammatically correct as it is, choose option (d) i.e. The rule can be understood with the help of the following example sentences -. There is little water in the pot. Answer: (D). Thank you very much for yours letter. I know one resturant where you can get amazing Chinese food. The two indefinite articles in English language are ‘a’ and ‘an’. (a) the, much In places where the following word starts with a consonant sound, the determiner ‘a’ is used. Take either road whichever you prefer. I do fewer work at weekends than I used to. In places where the following word starts with a consonant sound, the determiner ‘a’ is used. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners: CBSE Class 11 Business studies NCERT Solutions, CBSE Class 11 Accountancy NCERT Solutions, Ekarthak Shabd in Hindi | एकार्थक शब्द की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Tatsam Tadbhav Shabd in Hindi | तत्सम तद्भव शब्द की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Shabd Vichar in Hindi | शब्द विचार की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Kriya Visheshan in Hindi | क्रिया विशेषण की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Paryayvachi Shabd in Hindi | पर्यायवाची शब्द की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Anek Shabdon Ke Liye Ek Shabd in Hindi | अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Chhand in Hindi | छन्द की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Anekarthi Shabd in Hindi | एकार्थक शब्द की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Vilom Shabd in Hindi | विलोम शब्द (Antonyms) की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Samvaad Lekhn in Hindi(Dialogue Letter)-संवाद-लेखन, Vismayadibodhak in Hindi | विस्मयादिबोधक (Interjection) की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Samuchchay Bodhak in Hindi | समुच्चयबोधक (Conjunction) की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Sambandh Bodhak in Hindi | संबंधबोधक (Preposition) की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेद और उदाहरण (हिन्दी व्याकरण), Patra lekhan in Hindi – पत्र-लेखन (Letter-Writing) – Hindi Grammar, ‎हिन्दी निबंध – Essay in Hindi Writing- Hindi Nibandh. entire polling station seemed to be (b) …………………. (d) No correction 7. My parents took an amazing trip to Manali last year-they even climbed a mountain near Kulu. broken chairs in (ii) …………………. Complete the following passage with suitable determiners: 9. (b) RPQS abbreviations are also used while speaking. RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions Answer: A’ is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound, while ‘an’ is used before words with a vowel sound as— Write ‘no error’ for the correct sentences and suggest corrections for the incorrect sentences. In the following passage, one word (determiner) has been omitted in each line. 1. 4. Here ‘u’ has the consonant sound of ‘y’. (a)    There are (i) …………………. Vipul: Thanks. The verb agrees with the noun placed before it; as— Both father and mother are at home. Note. ‘The’ is used to particularise a person or a thing as—. She was afraid of burglars and always locked up (d)            house carefully before going to bed. Every child is said to have his/ her own special abilities. (a) a, his


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